Thursday, June 5, 2008

K so I was tagged!

I've been tagged!! Here's how to play the game of tag.

Post these rules on your blog:
You have to list 3 Joys, 3 Fears, 3 Goals, 3 Current Obsessions/Collections, 3 Random Surprising Facts About Me, then tag 5 others at the end of your blog by leaving their names.

Here are my answers....

3 Joys:

1. My kids, whom without I would not get up in the morning or have laughter in my daily life,
nor would I know the true meaning of "I have to leave for a while before I do something I will regret later."
2. My family, whom most of support me in all my doings. I thank them from the bottom of my heart.
3. Friends to keep me sain, or for me to keep them sain; it is a toss up.

3 Fears:

1. watching my kids "just deal" cuz I was to lazy to teach them how to fight for what they believe
2. Snakes, I must agree
3. Feeling I have failed at the end of the day.

3 Goals:

1. Getting out on my own again, I miss it so much!
2. Pay off my debt soon, it could be by the end of the year YES!
3. Getting a new car.

3 Current Obsessions/Collections:

My current obsessions are not up for discussion, so I guess I will have to go with colletctions.
1. Pennies, not by choice they just kinda collect on ya.
2. Dirty clothes, again it just sneaks up on ya.
My one obession that I can tell you about is Losing Weight, the fat is coming off I can tell just now the pounds need to follow.

3 Random Surprising Facts about Me:

Suprising fact huh? I will have to dig deep for this one!
1. I get cramps in my feet and my toes fall asleep, often
2. I am selfish
3. Harley's dad is my only X that I don't talk to

I tag Becky, and she is the only one I can, Nancy took the others I could tag. I know I am boring and friendless. Have a great time with it guys....I look forward to seeing your answers