This is a fun game that I will name three people that I tag and they have to post it on their blog.
This is my imaginary husband, just cuz I don't really have one
What is your husband's name? Cody
How long have you guys been married? 7 yrs
How long did you date? oh about 2 yrs
How old is he? 35
Who is taller? I can't stand shorter guys, so he is taller
Who can sing the best? that is a toss up
Who is smarter? that all depends on what the topic is
Who pays the bills? oh your supposed to pay those, well sure hope he takes care of them lol
Who does the laundry? well i guess that would be me, lol
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? who ever gets in bed first lol
Who mows the lawn? we don't have one so no one
Who cooks dinner? oh i guess that would be me once again
Who is the first to admit when they're wrong? wrong no one is ever wrong lol
Who kissed who first? he kissed me :)
Who wears the pants? depends on what i going on :)
I Tag...... Nancy, Shiloh, and Emily :)